Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Slide Show of 2010 Artwork

I created this slide show with some of the work that I had placed on Flickr. I thought you might like to see what I created in 2010 all in one space. You can see some of the changes, exploring and outcomes that happened over the year with my art and might see some crafty designs in other mediums too. I know I am missing quite a few pieces but hope you enjoy it none the less. I am planning on starting new sets for my journal pages, mixed media etc. and tag work by year. This way I can keep all the images in Flickr to help organize what I am doing and be able to reflect and share my work. If you are on Flickr feel free to add me as a contact & I'll do the same. *link to page above I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! I look forward to getting back to creating after settling in from being out of town. I also plan on sharing some photos from our little trip and family fun that we had & more~ Until then happy creating!